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Holy Week Services

Holy week times: Palm Sunday at 10:30; Maundy Thursday at 7; Good Friday at 7; Easter Vigil (Saturday) at 8:30pm); Easter Sunday at 10:30am

The Lenten season culminates with our remembrance of our Lord’s passion as He goes to the Jerusalem and the cross because of our sins and for our deliverance. By His death He frees us for life in His name. We hope you can join us March 24-31 as we celebrate our Lord, grow in His love, and go forth freed to reflect His care for others.

The Palm Sunday service is March 24 at 10:30am. We begin outside and process into the sanctuary with Palms remember our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem.

The Maundy Thursday service is March 28 at 7:00pm. In this service, we are reminded of the night when Jesus was betrayed and the institution of the gift of Holy Communion. We celebrate His gift of His Body and His Blood given and shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins. Following Holy Communion, we see the altar area stripped of its elements by twelve from the congregation as we remember the disciples betrayal and abandonment of our Lord. We leave the sanctuary in silence.

The Good Friday service is March 29 at 7:00pm. It really is a continuation of the Maundy Thursday service as the story of Jesus passion continues to unfold. On Good Friday we hear the account of Jesus’ passion that takes Him to the cross. During the service, with each reading, the sanctuary darkens as we remember the weight of our sins that darkened that day and sent our Lord to His humiliating death, the death that was glorious and gives us life and salvation.

The Easter Vigil service is March 30 at 8:30pm. We begin the service outside in the darkness by a fire. From that fire the Christ candle is lit and we in turn light our candles off of the Christ candle. We are reminded that our light comes from the Light of Christ as he leads us forward in His name. Then we hear seven readings from the Scriptures as we remember God’s promises and faithfulness through the Old Testament. After the service of the readings, we remember our baptisms and the joy that we are connected to Christ. Then we have the service of prayer as we await the announcement of the resurrection. Following the service of prayer, the Easter proclamation of victory over death is announced and the darkness turns to light and we celebrate the victory with the services of the Word and Holy Communion. The service encapsulates the beautiful of Christ’s victory over sin and death for us and the transition from death to life it means for our lives of faith.

The Easter Sunday service is March 31 at 10:30am. This service is a festival service in which we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Death has been defeated and we live new lives in Jesus’ name.

Spring Retreat

All Christians at some point experience doubt. We wrestle with questions about our faith. We experience hardship and external pressures that leave us confused and unsure. That is why our Spring Retreat focuses on being “Secure in Christ”. We will discuss the doubts we face, how God helps us through them and how we get to support each other in the midst of them even as we remember the security we have in Christ.

We will spend the weekend staying at Lutheranch’s Holy Trinity House growing together in the faith and enjoying community with one another. We have the opportunity to join together with other college students and collegiate ministries from the region to study together and learn with one another. Friday night the different college groups will arrive. We will eat dinner and get to know each other along with kicking off the theme for the weekend. Saturday we will have two sessions of study focused on working through the challenges posed by doubt and the confidence we have been given in Christ along with time for games and outdoor activities. Sunday morning there will be service in the morning prior to departure.

Lenten Midweek Services

During the Lenten season we have midweek worship services on Wednesday at 7pm. This season we are growing in our journey of discipleship as we consider those who have gone before us in the faith: David, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and Caleb, Jonah, and Elijah. Each week we reflect on the confidence we have in the Lord who leads us even as He led these major figures of the faith. We look forward to the journey with you.

Lent: A Season of Discipline; Disciplines for the Season

This Lenten season we continue to learn and grow in our lives of faith as we live out the reality of being a disciple (one who is learning from the one who disciples). Sunday mornings at 9:00 am throughout the Sundays in Lent (February 18 – March 24) we are considering various disciplines that help us as we grow in discipleship. We encourage you to join us as we make our way to the cross following our Lord.

Light in the World

Sunday mornings January 21-February 11, we consider how to share our faith in the world today. Our study focuses on understanding and responding to the different levels of reception we face as we share the Light of the gospel. Come join the conversation as we spend time in the Scriptures and Christian discussion and encouragement. We begin at 9am.

Game Nights

Game nights are a great opportunity to get to know one another and enjoy a game or two. We begin with a brief devotion and then break off into groups to enjoy time together playing various games. We have plenty of games available to learn or you are welcome to bring a game to share. We generally begin at 7pm and end around 9 or 10pm. Our next Game night is August 2.

The Epiphany of our Lord

We celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord January 6 with a festival service. On Epiphany we remember the visit of the Magi from the East and realize that the Christ was born for all people. Come celebrate with us at 7pm as we rejoice in the Christ child who is the light of the world!

Join Us for Worship and Learning Opportunities


10:30 AM

Traditional worship with Holy Communion


9:00 AM

Come early on Sunday for Education Hour


7:00 PM Tuesday

Join the Midweek Bible study


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