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Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols is on December 24 at 7:00pm. The service utilizes a series of Scripture readings prophesying the Saviors birth culminating in the lessons from Luke 2. In between the Scripture readings we sing Christmas hymns. Following the sermon we light our candles in remembrance of that holy night when the God took on human flesh to save His people from their sins.

Our Christmas Day Festival Service at 10:30am. This service is a Divine Service and culminates in the reading of the Christmas Gospel (John 1) and the celebration of the Sacrament.

Join us as we celebrate the Father’s love for us remembering the gift of His Son.

Revelation: An Encouraging Word

Our Sunday morning Bible study, beginning on September 17, will work through the book of Revelation. The study is a field test of a study for Concordia Publishing House and meets each Sunday at 9am. If you plan to participate online, please contact Pastor Michael so he can ensure that you get the material; if you participate in person, we will have material prepared for you. We hope you can explore this powerful book as we are encouraged by the confidence we have in Christ’s victory

Advent Midweek Services

During the season of Advent, we have additional services each Wednesday at 7:00pm as we anticipate the coming Christ. These services are aimed at helping us to prepare/be prepared for our coming Lord. This year our services recognize “Tis the Season”. Through them we remember that the joy of our coming Lord calls for our preparation, engenders hope for our lives, and encourages us to wait with patience and purpose. Prior to the service we will have a hymn sing at 6:50 pm as we prepare for the coming Lord with our hearts and voices. We hope you will worship with us this season!

Home Page

We at Christus Victor are growing together in, reaching out with, and developing leaders for Christ. As baptized people of God, we live in and bring Christ’s victory to the University of Georgia, the Athens area, and beyond. We worship in person Sundays at 10:30am. Sunday morning Bible study is at 9:00am and meets in the porch area.

We currently have hybrid worship services and Bible study opportunities via Zoom. Please contact Pastor Michael if you have any questions. Our Midweek Bible study is on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm. Regular student specific opportunities are available during the fall/spring semesters. Links to all of our online opportunities will be provided on the page under the menu option ‘Online Opportunities’.

Please peruse our website for more details and other options to partner with us in God’s mission! As always, you can contact Pastor Michael with questions and/or for pastoral care.

Movie Night

Periodically we utilize our Sunday student nights to watch a movie, discuss it, and have a brief Bible study related to the film. The films vary greatly: My Fair Lady, Braveheart, Casablanca, Requiem for A Dream, Life is Beautiful, etc. We begin our time together at 6pm and eat our weekly meal together while we watch the movie. Stay tuned for the next movie night!

Student Nights

Student Nights are each Sunday at 6pm. We begin with a meal and then follow with a Bible study or devotion and time together/game. It is a great opportunity to get to know one another and grow in the faith together. Please reach out to Pastor Michael or one of our student leaders with any questions.

Sarah Jane

Congregational Hikes

Our next congregational hike will be Saturday, September 30. We will meet 9:00am for a hike at Sandy Creek Park at 400 Bob Holman Rd, Athens, GA 30607. It’s $2 per person to enter the park. The hike will follow a portion of the lake for about 4 miles (about 2 miles out and then back). The hike is under the tree canopy. Participants should wear sturdy shoes and bring water. Dogs are welcome. There are bathrooms available at the park.

We can pick up hikers at church at 8:30am if anyone needs a ride and we need to know in advance. Otherwise we’ll meet at the park at the parking lot near picnic shelter #3 to hike a portion of the Lakeside Trail.

Revelation: An Encouraging Word

Our Sunday morning Bible study, beginning on September 17, will work through the book of Revelation. The study is a field test of a study for Concordia Publishing House and meets each Sunday at 9am. If you plan to participate online, please contact Pastor Michael so he can ensure that you get the material; if you participate in person, we will have material prepared for you. We hope you can explore this powerful book as we are encouraged by the confidence we have in Christ’s victory!

Join Us for Worship and Learning Opportunities


10:30 AM

Traditional worship with Holy Communion


9:00 AM

Come early on Sunday for Education Hour


7:00 PM Tuesday

Join the Midweek Bible study


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